Monday, September 8, 2008

Let's blog

Ok, after having downloaded several webpages of 'how-to-blog' files, and tons of pdf's and documents about the subject...and then never reading any of them, I finally decided to make my own blog. And this does not mean that i know something about blogging. I still have no clue about the 'blog'. What I plan to do is to just dive in, hoping the water is deep enough to avoid bumping my head under, and shallow enough for my head (or at least my nose) to stay above water. Then, from there, begin to learn to swim. I remember this is what I did with VB programming. I started out by immediately creating a file, then with a lot of 'trial and error ', made my 'hello world' program. The technique works, that's what matters.

So, to anyone out there who happens to stumble upon this blog hole, you can judge how far I've come in my self-education. For now, not only am I at a loss with regard to blogging, but also what more to write other than this pathetic starting paragraphs.

[This is my shout-out (what's a shout-out?) in my friendster account: "It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."]

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